Thursday, December 1, 2011

MCOM 320

This is my last post on this blog, to finish the requirement for my MCOM 320 class. This has been a good exercise for me to be a little more creative and stretch in my writing abilities.

Yesterday in class my team did a presentation outlining some problems and recommended solutions for T-Mobile, which was also a good exercise and taught me a lot of things. I decided to look on T-Mobile's blog today to see what they're actually doing to improve their company, and this is what I found: Basically instead of reworking their customer service or trying to integrate their systems more, they're improving a diversified line of products to attract new customers.

MCOM has been a good class for me and I've learned some things I didn't know before. At times though I've felt like the class was more geared towards demonstrating skills that I already should have developed than developing new skills. There was so much material and so little time that I felt like I only did decently because of my previous experience in the business environment and the grammar skills I already had.

The other concern I had with the class was the deadline for these blog posts being at midnight on Sunday, which encouraged many of the students to do their blogs last minute on the Sabbath. My personal ethics keep me from doing school work on Sunday, because I interpret the scriptures to include that as "working", and although I respect that other students don't see things the same way I do, I was disappointed that the requirement of the class almost encouraged Sunday homework and many of the students would do just that. I missed several blog posts, waking up Sunday morning and realizing that I could whip up a quick blog post to not lose points in the class, or hold to my principles and get a lower grade. I missed 3 or 4 blog posts that way, which was my fault for not remembering to do them before Saturday, but with a deadline for Sunday it slipped my mind until the day of when it was too late for me ethically. I checked once or twice to see how many of the students were actually doing their posts on Sunday, and looking at the blog tracker Saturday night late and Monday morning early, I saw that more than a third were fulfilling the assignment last minute on Sunday. If there is one thing I would change about the class it would be that - changing the blog deadline from Sunday at midnight to Saturday at midnight.